My words are not yelled into any sort of vast existence.
No they are mumbled forgotten cast into a very small and very personal oblivion.
My voice can be confident collected but I feel that more often I falter and I can sometimes ramble beyond the extent of anyone's interest. When it's not self-destructive my words are roadkill letters splattering as a new voice rams them over thieving attention leaving my words behind battered and squashed.
They won't cross the road again.
My relationships are fleeting a nod a hello jake whats new not much not much depth of friendship.
My poetry isn't. It's graffiti an invalid dash of pixels upon the sterile, inhuman surgery room background of this website from the moment it exists it will be painted and paved over by quick and emotionless brush strokes of new words. My tumor created by my own cells recklessly and harmfully multiplying until removed.
I am not sad I am not any flimsy definition of feeling that places a fragile blanket over the subtle and markets them as obvious. I'm not much right now numb but I associated that with jarring, tumultuous static from a television set but I am oddly but not so oddly calm.
Voices sound from downstairs. I type here knowing that my thoughts my voice my words my fleeting emotion that is so strong at times that I am calloused will never escape my very small and very personal oblivion.