I miss coming home and talking to you You would listen as I screamed and ranted and rambled on Your advice would be the same day after day You always say "it will be better. Just wait for tomorrow"
I miss playing games with you You taught me card games You took the time to teach me HP vs MP You always come up with outrageous answers
I miss arguing against you You say a nerd is better than a geek You win pretty much every time You think a random fact or stat is the best thing to say
I miss beating you up You always cry at the slightest touch You never throw a punch even though you're stronger You scream and yell until you lose your voice
I miss coming home and talking to you I miss playing games with you I miss arguing against you I miss beating you up
This one's for my brother. 6000 miles is too far. And 6 months is too long without seeing you!