It seems like now I cannot look at myself anymore. Too afraid to see the reflection of a broken man. I wish I could put on a smile and act like everything is okay Maybe that's what I need to do to. Perhaps the illusion of joy is all I need to finally find myself and believe that I have the strength to pull through.
Every minute turns to an hour and every hour turns to a day this is the price I have to pay for letting misery become my only friend and for letting darkness into my life and using it as my only thread.
When the nightingale sings I have to ask myself why am I getting up what can today possibly bring. I am glad if you are coping and I know that our future is on it's way to unfolding but I have to be honest and true. I can't live in a world without you.
I wish I could look up I hope that I can find some reason within all the rhyme and I will be sure to tolerate every ounce of pain because at the end of the day I would do anything for you even if it means that I get left behind in the rain.
I cannot care for a man who I cannot come to love I'm constantly searching for the holy dove but everywhere I look I get reminded that I'm searching for something that I can never find.
I'm trying my best and I don't care for the rest because all the paths I walk leads back to you because you are the only person that can see through my mask and show me that I can indeed be true.
I shall wait patiently and I shall put in my every breath and ounce of energy. I'm sorry if I cannot mask my emotions but it's all because I love you. I'm sorry that I react in silence and that I'm not putting my thoughts out there as of yet because at the moment every time I look into your eyes I have to bite my tongue and catch the tears I wish I could never shed.
My heart is like a mirror and the last pane still reflects but a single image and that's but my deepest desire. To have you back and to hold you tightly , without you I have to look for reason to keep on fighting.