This city rustles under moonlight as my eyes lie restless under lids, and you lips form soundless words while you dream of things I long to know
I have lost myself amongst the streets in coffee shops and clouds of smoke
Your eyes no longer hold my gaze, and your fingers do not linger When you touch my hand my face my collarbone my neck
How did I get here? Where do I go?
My mind is black.
My eyes scour the streets for pieces of myself, But I have gone. I have hidden in the shops I have hidden in the streets I have hidden under beds, blankets, and blackness.
I barely feel the cold damp air as I fly along the street Searching for something, anything that will make me feel again.
You do not know how much I long to touch you, To tell you I am here But you can't see me because I'm buried Under layers of numbness and skin and clothes I have hidden in myself So deep I fear I will drown In the great abyss of blackness that occupies my mind.
I awoke with sunlight on my face, and my eyes upon your sleeping form I wait for you to wake, and hope your eyes will search for mine but you've grown distant in my darkness...
Where have I been? Why did I go?
Why am I crying in secret under covers while you sleep? Why can't I tell you that I love you?
That you are everything I need To save me from myself...
We fly past cities I cannot pronounce. The mountains leave me breathless, and I wonder
How is it to lose your breath Among the clouds and snow And fade away alone, into blackness?
We have been where many wish to go We have loved in places where many wish to love We have lost our minds, Only to find them packed, tightly into suitcases Between the folds of our shirts.
Though I feel as if I've lost it all between the cracks in the cobblestone, and corners of the narrow streets, in hotels where I toss and turn where your are lost within your sleep
Please save me I am fading Please save me I am drowning Drowning in you, Drowning in me, Drowning in everything I thought I know Of life Of love Of darkness
Then it stops, you speak I hear Your arm is at my shoulders and your smile meets your eyes