Sister Don't let that flying bag full of ****** and tobacco inject you into his veins On nights you'd rather spend in your old room Or with your only three friends (your siblings)
Don't let that flying bag full of knowledge and rudeness hold you back from coming here To see the only people you truly call "home"
Cousin* Your hair looks nice The way it used to before you flew away Please don't work there You belong doing hair You looked at that man, the one your sisters age Don't sit by him, tomorrow he will be gone You won't find love in temporary things You need help
Grandad You sit there, in your almost vegetative state Next to the woman who claimed you many years ago, but not soon enough You no longer have your kids Not even the grandkids, who were sheltered from the truth
Your alternate family in Virginia How can you still look at your kids in the eye? How can they still speak to you? They did it for the kids
Towards the end of your life, the truth is known You still smile, never doing any wrong You just want regularity and happiness Win us over with your money I still want to be near you, Maybe I will be just like you*
Aunt So happy, so bright You sit with us And laugh through the night You've had just enough beers Your husband has forgotten you But you're still full of cheers
In another life, One without wild dogs or mountain falls I would want you there with me