While tufts of gloom engulfing the sky, With no space and time between Us, you and I, soak ourselves in the stationary delight. Like a hypersensitive scheme, Yet an irreconcilable vibe, You smoke, and I sigh.
While others argue to be or not to be, You and I, standing in front of Robert Frost’s fork —to smoke or sigh Without hesitation, You choose to hold a cigar in hand, I choose to release an unknown in mind, And sigh.
We then, ask each other why You say, if you ever woke up in evisceration, You would quit smoking I say, if I ever woke up in nonentity, I would stop sighing
Basking in the glow of flickers, Inhaling the essence of meteoric laughters, We look into each other’s assuring eyes —I respect your choice, as much as you respect mine. Palpably, we’ve educed a compromise It’s neither you smoke, nor I sigh.