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Apr 2015
Her parents thought she was a failure. Her classmates thought she was a freak. Society thought she was ****** up. Her best friend thought she was amazing, and beautiful. Everything her best friend said to build her up was destroyed a million times over. For every 'beautiful' she got 10x more 'uglies'. For every 'wonderful' 20x more 'failures'. Her best friend could never keep her up for long. So he girl fell. Down, down, down. Into a pit of darkness. She couldn't get out of it, so she ended it. The pain, the sadness, the darkness. Now she's floating on clouds, looking down at the friend she left behind. Watching her break, crash, and be consumed in despair. She weeps, knowing she should be down there helping her. But she can't. All she can do is watch as her friend prepares the chair, and hangs he rope. Watch as her body swings, and her soul flies up to join hers. Two girls-broken beyond belief. Forgotten and abandoned by the world. Truly tragic.
Destani McKee
Written by
Destani McKee  Las Vegas
(Las Vegas)   
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