In high school we learn of logarithms, iambic meter how to balance an equation between zinc oxide and excess hydrogen gas-- only to find there was no reaction to begin with.
We're told colleges get to know you through three letter acronyms-- ACT, SAT, GPA And the students they want know everything that they'll forget once they turn thirty.
Little do we realize that if our Geometry teacher were to write an analysis on the coexistence of good and evil in To **** a Mockingbird, he would likley receive a "D" under the scrutinizing eye of the honor's English teacher
Nor do we see that the art instructor would freeze in her tracks faced with an assignment filled with the insufferable fate of chemical stoiciometry
Socrates once said that the youth today will be the demise of civilzation. We contradict our parents, are smug in the face of authority and tyrannize our teachers. Funny he said this roughly 2,000 years ago-- I think my dad said something like that last year.
But, until the day we grow up to pay taxes and marry someone we despise, we're just stupid teenagers.