Why, oh my father? Why, oh my friend? Shall I cast my flesh into the lake of fire...
Why, oh my brother? Why, oh my mother? Shall my soul be so tied unto such desire...
Somewhere deep is the heart of David... Somewhere near is the lust of the flesh...
You, creator, shall you harden my heart? What misfortune of Pharaoh shall burn... I pray and pine in time of dismay, And when the plague dissolves - I return
Shall I wash in the Tigris, merely once? For these spots will not vanish from me... Whilst my ears cease to hear silence, And my eyes, too open to see?
When shall you send your hand out, To strike fear of the almighty upon the wall So shake my very soul within the flesh To tenderly call me lest I fall...
Commence the finale, mark as the Alpha Thus by Omega, unto which shall end?