I lie on my back on the grass my hands behind my head
Yehudit is standing by the lake -her term for the pond- looking over the water's skin at the ducks and dragonflies skimming the water and flying off and up
I watch her standing there the sun shining down through the branches of trees overhead bird song
I like it here she says so peaceful
I take in her white and blue flowery dress the bare legs the sandalled feet her hands behind her back her hair tied at the back by a blue ribbon
do you like it here? she asks
yes I like it in fact I like it most places
she turns and looks at me I mean the scenery she says smiling
I look at her eyes the blueness the flush of cheeks the smile
how often do you think of *** Benny? she says
pretty much most of the time I reply with a twinkle in my eye
thought so she says shaking her head and turning away to gaze at the scene once more
she thinking who knows what but I thinking of the kissing and heavy petting of 10 minutes before.