They used to sing my every word and dance my every rythm They used to laugh and even cry with me in times of anguish They used to lift me up and lighten my soul with the words that could put a pigeon-toed bird to flight so how? How is it now that they betray with the venom that drips from there tounge. With the smoothness of a defiled ***** but the clearness of the cleanest drinking water Your tounge was one of the few that spoke a jaded fairytale of a lie The eyes that used to hold me close in their gaze now haunt me with a crooked coldness the arms and embrace of warmth of all of you have turned into something of a distant and taunting night mare The truth has set you free. oh yes! It has set you free to turn all my treasured moments into nothing but a clear and crumpled reflection of hatred.
Thanks for everything and nothing that all came crashing down at once