Three. One that warned me, One that didn't, And one that sat, plotting near my heart.
For which it earned it's title; "Voldemort" From the girls Who sat, An hour after I did on that wrinkled leather corner of the couch, With tissues, chocolate and their arms Ready to launch around my tear soaked bandage, And thought of names Closer to pets than unwanted clumps of cells was the second; "Fluffy".
On the 16th and the 5th, I think of and thank
Sophie, who ran cold water over my veins backstage When I couldn't stand the heat any longer Because my own chemicals wanted to give up.
Rachel, who glanced over at me in English, When I looked hopeless And hugged me, without a word of explaination.
And the first, "Fredrick", who gave me this mark I wear, Uncaring of it's appearance because it warned us And prevented the formation of more scars.
And how when I say I love them I mean it.
Three. One that made me laugh, One that bravely smiled, One that got sick And made the other two cry.