You could not help but fall for her Despite warnings from every cell of your brain You could not contain Your curiosity How could someone be Different shades of different emotions At the same time How could someone go From being the blazing sun To a violent storm In the blink of an eye And that was the trouble with her You could not tell the next thing she does And there were many with a prettier face than her And a few with soul more tender But none that could stir A single emotion While One look from her Caused ripples in your soul The longing she developed Became insatiable Cause she was not the caresses and soft kisses sort She would make sure you meant Every compliment you uttered Before she accepted them She would ask why You loved her Instead of saying I love you too She was never just simply pretty You know the kind you put on your shelves For a show She was not just one element but the whole package Something you had never witnessed before She had fire Her feelings weaved silent poetry All around her And everyone who saw her could see that Everyone but herself Her thoughts were too loud -loud enough to make the deaf-toned world hear them She was reckless personified Descending towards nothing And you would gladly go down with her If it only gave you few more moments to have her look into your eyes Black eyes Not seeing at you But through you Making you unravel yourself She could not be bound to a place She was the wind that ruffles your hair caresses your skin and sweeps your tears off your cheeks and fly away just like that leaving you fixated on that spot waiting for her to hit you again but she is already gone You never wanted to love her Yet here you are Loving her anyway.