we tend to focus so much on the little things often forgetting the impact the larger issue brings
why do we not question what matters the most but only the insignificant, the judgemental, why do we indulge in these things, at a lethal dose?
do we ever really think about why and what we are doing how and where we are going?
we are already trapped in our own $elf de$truction giving value to a piece of paper, wrapped, in shiny ******* plastic, our own insatiable creation.
but one may not notice until they try to find a way out, that freedom that they had?--it was bogus, hopeless without a doubt, and this is sadly something that I often find myself frowning about.
this is kinda about how i think money, materialisation, uneven distribution, and the general problems of our world are stupid and unnecessary, and my frustration at not being able to do anything about it.