I never expected you
My life change with you
I didn't plan this out
What's all this about?
We came together, forever
My life wouldn't be the same
Life wouldn't hav meaning
Maybe lost, dead, confused
Where would I be?
I can't say, my skies gray
Never trade you
Be faithful to you
Stick with you, like glue
My wish, yet to come true
Me & you, to be with you
The body ages, gets old
The beauty fades, gone away
The lust never last, by pass
The *** is weak, never seek
The materials rotten, rusten
The love presented, to me through Christ, was my best birthday surprise, the magic in your eyes, all our secrets & painful lies, truth was we wanted to stick side by side, do or die, ride right beside each other, Bonnie & Clyde, I'm sorry I lied, thoughts read unspoken, always live broken, despair I'm stroking, a heart attack lol, come back my life is whack :P...
I Honestly, Miss You Sincerely, PRECIOSA lol