I'm all alone Within my soul I groan -- With a star-tide inside a stagnant sea; Far till a maiden with the flushes of love there came Mèlanie: Far till a maiden with the gushes of Lament's dove be name Mèlanie:
Oh, dim grew light From the astral night As the radiant Utopian orbs rain In Astarte's vain Upon the tinted pearling moon Twinkling in our mystic noon, -- Whereas I touched with the lips of my own to Mèlanie: Whereas I kiss Death's eclipse in the eyes alone of Mèlanie:
As of right now, Be never to vow -- 'Cause her winged-fabric soul With the fiery pinion-foul, May we burn naked ablaze in a fountain hole And forever be draining our blood together, I and Mèlanie: Forever be bound to the wrist and chain together, I and my Mèlanie: