Beautiful is how she sees herself. She is Always full of questions for the one who has the answers. She is full of Youth and vibrancy. Always taking chances and risks, busy Living life to the fullest extent. She is more Intelligent than she gives herself credit for. Exuberant to the point of sickness.
Always asking the questions no one wants to answer. She easily gets Lost inside of her own mind. She Yearns for summer. But all she has are memories of all the Summers of years past. If Only she would realize that all we have is today and tomorrow will Never come if she is too
Busy living in the past to Accept and enjoy the pleasures of the now. She remembers all too well the Remnants of days that didn't go as planned and if she's not careful she will get lost inside the Remnants. She tries to remember that Every day is not a reminder of yesterday, but a second chance To live better Tomorrow.