She does it to him, he does it to her It was obvious they would both end up hurt She hates the things that he does He doesn't realize what she gives up Constantly worrying; Never trusting; It always ends in pain Messing with each other's head, like it's some sort of game He tells me that he wants to die, She sits in her room and cries But neither one is strong enough Neither one has the guts To do the thing that hurts the most But in the end, will be best for both. They drag us in, make us choose sides And secretly we try to hide We don't want to get involved We've seen the pain that we've caused Stand up, grow up, get some ***** Tell her you're through with it all Tell him you're done with his lies And all the things he tries to hide You can't hurt yourself to save that one Your time together will soon be done You can't always make it work Sometimes you just end up hurt