What is it that makes me An absolute burden to you? Not just you All of you Tell me what it is Because it's eating me alive.
Is it my inability embrace reality? Or my absence of mental stability? My lack of sound decision making Paired with all the drugs I'm taking? It can't be my appreciation For the ******* lives you're faking.
What a complete joke it is
To feel so unwanted By everyone you hold in high praise It's laughable how much it hurts How deep these wounds go How out of place I feel In my many homes I just need to get away To give you all a break.
I'm rain on your pity parade Tone deaf to your serenade Engulfed by anxiety Feeling inadequate Presently unpleasant Doomed to forever be The awkward teenager Trying to fit in The afterthought The whatshisface The nevermind
But still I'll follow you around The pathetic puppy dog Nipping at your feet Begging for attention But no bone gets thrown my way No attaboys, no morsels or scraps Not even crumbs of mild amusement Just your spit in the dirt At the mention of my name
It's just something I don't understand Well whatever it is I swear I'll change