That brief moment with you, was more than I could have hoped for. To feel your touch, to see your smile, to dance in the glitter of your eyes - I will remember that day together, always. But now, I must let you go, off to chase the one who makes you happy. You've found your wings, sweet spirit and though I wanted to soar with you, I am not free to do so. O the sadness of clipped wings, forever grounded, tamed, a caged bird. Do not mistake these tears I shed as regret or loss, but joy... Joy that you've taken flight, left behind the old worn-out past and found a new beginning.
(c) 2006, Lori Carlson
All poetry under the names Lori Carlson or Iona Nerissa are the sole property of Lori Carlson. Please seek permission before using any of my writings. ~Lori Carlson~