This mind of mine seems to be completely different my thoughts have a different direction. a wave of people moves north-wards, while i stay put or go east, west or south i wonder am i the only one who takes an hour to think the possibilities, the outcomes past,present and future do people really care or mind themselves in the process I've seen things, heard things, things that bring unjust pleasure torturing young minds into a criminal's treasure. one argument ten people nine agree the last doesn't i am different not to be measured by cruelty or some sense of fashion a passion that's contagious making minds oblivious to the possibilities from each action think, isn't there more meaning to oneself or are we unoriginal following trends pretend to be someone we are not my thoughts say fun and humility the ever green that will soon die and brown and they will frown upon their big-headed justice my mind is different un-understandable to both myself and others, from a close range and far distance