You act as an elixir.* A single drop of you makes my skin crawl over my wrought out muscles. Spasms consume my body. My synapse go firing in every direction. I feel emboldened, I feel strength interlacing with my being. I am steel.
You are my caffeine to which I am soulfully addicted to. A single sip of you keeps me aware through the bowels of the night. I stare at the moonlight shining through the window. I look up at the stars and wonder how I could reach them. I am invincible.
You are a person whom I'll never reach. Someone who is "sophisticated" as ****. A man-child who does his own bidding. A spark of electricity in the realm of force fields. A creative blot of ink in a letter of sorts.
You are everything I want but would never have.
3/22/15 1:44 a.m. Giddy and foolish. Effects of the earlier evening's events.