Life is peaceful. Life is quiet. Life isn't sad anymore But life is lonely Life goes on and so do you... You. I had almost forgotten the smell of you. The smell of your hair Your bed You house I missed it but life goes on. Life is quiet Life is peaceful. But life... Life should be exciting! It should be dancing in the rain Running because you can Singing when your sad Life is the sunshine in your eyes Life is the summer grass Climbing mountains Jazz music Coffee Fireworks Craziness Family Fast car rides Slow walks But life isn't perfect Life has its ups And it's Downs But you knew that I knew that And we let each other drowned We let each other drowned it that pit of jealousy, vanity, and desire. We both burned But I'm now the one that isn't healing And I wish you could see.. That's only if you'd talk to me... This is life long after and I can tell you that it doesn't get better.