standing in the pre-dawn glow I raise my arms to the last great god of men and wonder why no one praises Venus when they crossed the sea it was Venus who parted the waves when they looked around at calamity it was Venus they cursed when they wrote calendars it was the variation in the great comet that influenced days, months, and years we have forgotten – a bright spot on the horizon is all that remains of the horned beast that nearly wiped humanity from existence the massive upheaval documentation either verbally in the native tribes or physically as with the Chinese or Hindu state clearly the reality natural destruction in the eyes of those who came before was placed on an invisible all-knowing god while today, news agents would explain an incoming comet is about to destroy all life as we know it get ready – looking up at the star filled night sky in wonder and amazement as I now understand why these were the gods and their movements and actions so carefully notated sadly, we will not get to relive this sight it will be our own actions that bring about the new age of man – no longer is a planetary body required when we can build nuclear reactors and dump waste into the oceans there is no real necessity for god to send agents from heaven to smite unholy cities we drone bomb the innocents daily long past are the days in which a vengeful lord would take actions against those who would deny Monsanto and BP have completely poisoned any and all available land that was once suited for inhabitation or food production engineered salmon swim through plastic islands in a quest to bash their mutated brains into man made dams that no longer do anything but stop the natural flow of the rivers – broken promises of a returning savior have the masses crying out while refusing personal responsibility for anything when they burn in the fires of neglected industrialization I will sit atop a lonely mountain peak and enjoy natural hand-made marshmallows with those who would listen and take heed --