How was I supposed to try to save you? As our souls were seemingly hanging from the same silver cord and we found freedom in letting our feet dangle. Mundane marionettes clumsily controlled by their astral bodies orbiting too closely and with excess vigor their silver strands became tangled too tightly to distinguish one from the next. My eyes were too focused in their gaze to have noticed until you, ever so gently, nudged my head and asked that I explain the knots that bound us. In that moment I desired to love you whatever smaller amount that would let me tell you anything but the truth. No love miser could have resisted a request whispered out of such necessity that it tore the breath from the room. With shaking hands I traced the path from the bottom of a dangling soul to the apex of the celestial cross bar and noted every intersection our silver cords made. What is it that you thought would happen? It was not until I reached the top and every notation was written in fresh red that I saw you already possessed the graphed coordinates. How many revisions can be requested of a map that consumes you when you make it for a scene that never changes? Please nod yes when I ask if you momentarily forgot when making the request that you and I only write in blood.