He holds the corners of my smile with his thumbs like the way he balances his self-worth on top of how much I believe he can hold on the surface of his heart without caving. And I know that maybe the inside of his dreams have been filled with wallpaper reminders of a dad gone missing or fixing cars on Saturday’s, but his hands are callused just enough to know they’re real, and they cover me with their warmth at night as he loves on my body, folding in my ribs until I’m weak.
Sometimes I watch him while he sleeps, tucking my whispers behind his ear and taking off the blanket from his legs cause I know he’s too hot, but he always makes sure the goosebumps on my body come from his touch and not the way the winter breathes.
I like to think we met let letters do, in a 2 a.m. sentence or a delusional poem that seeps from the cracks in worried souls and fingers. Our outlines, the ***** of his side and the bumps of my hips fit together like cursive and I could write him for a lifetime.