last night I sat in the dark fishing for luminous words from what seemed like a shallow furrow of thoughts and I found myself stuck between realities I dare not speak
allowing time to whisk me to the edge of the world I only see in a dream, indulging in calamities I cant seem to unreveal, for Im stuck between two worlds of conflicting revelations
The night with whom I conversed the perplex complexities, mimicked the unbirthed reality, leaving me in a pool of confusion and a list of future uncertainities again I find myself stuck between worlds I dare not speak
The words I utter seem to fade in the deep belly of the hours I sat, as the only hope I hold on to, is that of morning when a thick line is drawn between my dreams and my reality
Last night I sat in the dark eluded by sleep, swimming in a pool of written ideas of metaphors, to undress the thoughts that lie far beneath my sleepless nights, and haunted by words I dare not speak