I swear I dwelt alone Amongst a million other faces In a city full of every opportunity I cannot attain
I suppose you’ve found a native-born foreigner And you’ve stopped by long enough to hear A voice too quiet speak…
I’m not anything phenomenal, Black jacket-clad with a caged-up heart I suppose you’ve found a kindred soul, Just a stranger in a familiar land.
Tell me again why you are here? I’ve heard every other reason, They all end the same… Fifteen years I’ve lived cold and alone With patches of warmth that Only faded away.
Would you mind staying here, my dear only friend? I have empty ears that hunger for words. I have empty hands that clutch for warmth. An empty heart that could use your touch, but A mouth so full, they stitched it shut, a tongue overflowing with words. A brain that defied them, so they Called it dumb, but Could you please stay and listen?