Turn on sweet summer delusion Inside faulty memorized fantasies I never knew you Subconsciously tune into me.
Ive only got a pretty face When its image reflects in your eyes Drop out of this world around you Shut me up when i start to cry.
Strangers say have a nice day I want to ask about their dreams Twisted auto pilot existence Following a path of mundane routines.
Oh break me free from somber shackles Let me run wild through your mind To no longer be a figment of reality No longer controlled by time.
I yearn to be a thought Nothing more than a dream A soul not bound by body Like leaves flowing downstream.
But id let your current catch me Trapped within you all summer long But the winter freeze will break me As i question your rights and my wrongs.
And one day you will whisper to me "Baby girl, i wish you could swim" Ill brush off the phrase quite quickly But in secret places ill grow grim.
For there will always be a constant truth That lies dormant in the back of my mind That the rose colored glasses you see me through now Our only available for a limited time.