blue was the color of our first passing glance; it was only a second, but it felt like eternity. when our eyes met and I fell into them. i fell into the way they reached into my soul, electric. your eyes were electric blue, stars charged, condensed into your being, they left me blinking, disoriented at your beauty
blue was the color of your voice, when you told me that you loved me. your voice was honey to my bitter soul, coarsely soft. you only said it once that day, but i replayed it in my head so many times that i began to believe it. your shirt was powder blue, how could i forget?
blue was the color of our first kiss, when you caught me mid-laugh. it was so cold, but the heat traveled from your lips to mine, your touch sent a spark down my spine. it was just you and me under the inky blue sky and the infinity of the stars was all ours, just like the infinity of us.
blue is the color of my tears when you left, when i reached the bottom of the tissue box. they could not make up for the absence of your shoulder, your broken promise that left my soul black and blue.