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Mar 2015
If a star could describe the way I feel about you
It would shine brighter than the sun
If I had enough time to live
This poem would never be done
If a picture could show how thankful I am
The artist would be confused
Because even my own heart
Can't describe my certain love for you
If there was a number to show
How many times I think of you
It would would only be one
Because from the first time you came in my head
The thoughts have never been done
And yes before happiness
Will come the pain
And yes before the rainbow
There will be rain
And at the end of a rainbow
there always a *** of gold
But I'd throw it all away
for you in my arms to hold
And forever to see the beautiful smile on your face
Brings more happiness
Than any amount of money can make
And I'll remind you of your gorgeousness
Even when we're old
And I'll bring you close for warmth whenever you say your cold
I'll always try to make you happy
Whenever you seem to be mad
I'll always try to make you laugh
Whenever you seem sad
Devin Boswell
Written by
Devin Boswell  South Portland
(South Portland)   
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