Smile, he said Absolute stranger Complete alien to my world Announcing in declaration Invasive species All in one anxious Interrogating rigged grin Hovering below low light
Smile Is what my mother did Covering up depression Fixated anxiety rendering her Washing, drying, washing Inability to tend to her Inability to get out of bed Earlier than noon
Smile Is the look of despair Across slit wrists and monkey bones The wide-eyed stare of vacancy Wishing and hoping Someone would check in a room
Smile Stands awkwardly on sidewalks Making visual displays of arrogance Oblivion and beyond In pure ecstasy of making Each woman Each human being Feel their soul being molested
So, no Absolute stranger These cheeks will not turn upward My teeth till not show and my brow Will not cease to crease Because smile for you Is not what smile is for me