Swimming in a sea of faces Everyone different Everyone the same I look around Invisible in the crowd But I stand out Not at the level of everyone else Weighed down By negative thoughts And my own weight Too good for these feelings Yet never good enough Run now Run fast to the water's edge
Jump into the river The murky waters Cover my scars Cover my marks They delude the evils racing through my mind. I feel lighter Though I sink into the mud Maybe it will swallow me forever Down to the depths of hell Where I belong
***** now Always have been Forever will be Climb out slowly now The breeze chilling you to the bone The sun warming my skin Conflicted Like I've always been
Mud caked between my toes The physical representation of my ***** soul and ***** thoughts ***** water down my wrists Into my hands Reality, like soap, slipping from my grasp Reality, the only thing that can change me from myself Climb from the muck Like a demon from hell
Their laughter draws you in Wishing you could just be like them Stand on the water's edge Should you jump? Allow yourself to collapse Into the clear Friends Floating above you Reaching hands to pull you up You stay under a little longer