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Mar 2015
At night
I lay my head down on my tear stained
And I wonder if it will begin again
The crying
The ache
The hunger for your touch on my skin
You fell asleep hours ago
And who knew that love makes you feel things they never showed in the movies
I feel knives taunting my rib cage
When I heave for air
And it was nights like these when you used to hold me
Tell me we were okay
You were honest
Brush my hair and wipe my tears
Tell me
I am a ******* mess
And flash your teeth at me playfully
Say "baby, I love you. You are the only one for me."
Because it was written on the script you had engraved on your palms when you started out in that play
It was the line you used for everyone
I'm trying not to worry about this girl
But all I can taste is ******* acid when you are away
I will never know the truth that lies beyond the lights of your phone
I will never know you
But I am trying still
Why is that?
It's because love makes you sick
Love makes you ******* irrational
And when I fall asleep at midnight
With school in 6 hours
I don't think
"Wow, this must be love"
I think about the dreams that I've been trying to escape from
And lately, no one realizes why I have been so sleep deprived
It's because I cannot escape you
This has taken a downward turn towards words unspoken
These words have been filling my chest cavity
And they are going to burst
If I cannot tell you them
Written by
emptydurbansky  USA
     Delilah, ---, Santiago and blankpoems
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