why cant i have him? that is the question that i ask my self every day what is it that i cant have him? why?
why does he not wanna fall in love again? why does he not wanna show love? why does he not wanna show that he is in love w me? why does he wanna not say anything?
those are the questions that i ask myself and quite many more
we both have a lot in com min and he see's it but he also knows that he is in love w me but just wont show it and i dont know why?
why why why? why wont he show me that he loves me why wont we love me why wont he say that he is in love with me?
why why why?
i dont get it i dont understand him? that what i say and ask myself that to is why why why and i dont understand thats the two questions that i ask myself
i love him and i am in love with him and i wanna be with him and spend the rest of my life with him he is my life,soul,heart,body,my everything.