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Mar 2015
no calls or text from you asking me baby how is your day.
never have nothing good or honest to say.
am i fooling myself thinking that you got me. or do you want to have your cake and eat it too.

do you know what it feels like to be in a lonely relationship.
that only you know your in, only you fighting to hold it together, because the other half don't know where to begin.

constantly begging for attention but is running on empty. promises constantly get broken, dreams shatters in front of your face and the splinters sink into your thoughts.

seeing everyone happy to be with their lover except you and then you have to make excuses for them. cry until  you run out of tears. think until you run out of things to think. being angry until you forget what you were angry for.

when he doesn't acknowledge your birthday, valentines or important couples  events. you are the   only one pretending everything is okay , holding up your end and his, fooling yourself.
Alleeya Leanne Wade
Written by
Alleeya Leanne Wade  belize city belize
(belize city belize)   
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