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Jan 2010
Everything fades as you slowly walk with your feet cushioned underneath by tiny particles of softly shaded sand.
The ocean waves mist you as they gently collide into the thick mass of denim-blue water—
Strands of straggly hair get tangled in the quiet, gentle breeze.
Your mind clears as you walk into the distant sunset of gorgeous colour.
Nothing can come between your spirit and the peace and harmony.
You feel so free and majestic; it almost seems as if you’re soaring over the ocean blue—
Like a pearl white seagull with nothing better to do.
You halt and splash into the sea for a fresh fish meal.
Feeling slightly heavy after indulging the innocent creature, you flutter your wings, slowly ascending into the night sky.
Down below you can hear the tiny footsteps of a strange, little girl.
She notices you as you float down and land on top of a small, wooden post a few inches in front of her.
She stares into your bright dandelion-coloured eyes.
Something very bizarre and unusual happens, a weird yet fascinating connection.
Your feathers crackle, and the girl cripples.
Both of you form into one beneath the sand and wait for another lost soul to come across you and join the cycle—
The cycle of peace through a demented one’s eyes.
Written by
Maddy Morgan
     D Conors
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