I haven’t got a heart of gold, Gold is too soft and beautiful. The world sinks its teeth into gold And leaves a bite mark for every hungry mouth And I haven’t enough surface area to accommodate them all.
I have a heart of silver. Let the wolves bite into that, Let it stick in their teeth. They will not break the skin. The don’t deserve to see my blood,
My silver dragon’s blood, Running down my head and chest, Dripping and pooling in the darkness, Shining and reflective Like a thousand little moons And worlds made of moons.
No, let them trade in gold. My heart is ugly enough to survive And beautiful enough to live. They will not steal my blood to spend, The will let it pool and lie As unattainable stars lay in the sky.
If any other silver bleeder comes to claim me, Let me be his and he mine. If any blue-veined miner puts away his pick And loves me without claim, Let him be mine, I will not hurt him.
But if, God forbid, there is yet a man Who bleeds gold and loves me for my blood, I will love him to the reaches of my sky - I will spend myself on him to the last cent - For that is a claim that cannot be paid, It is a love that would destroy me.