Today, today I got the news today A new father I am Boy, what a wonderful day So many things to say and people to do... Wait. Scratch that and reverse it. Oh, yay! I can't wait! Paint the room and build a crib And what will our parents say!?! What should we say, and to whom? Should we show them pictures of her womb? Oh, hey! Gotta buy bottles and diapers and...and... those little cans of food...oh yeah Got to go with the formula first. Oh, oh and we got to get a new seat and a car to put it in... Wait. Scratch and flip that too... Oh, I dare say I hope its a boy! I can take him to baseball games and say 'If you get real good this is where you'll play' Or football, yes sir! A real stud. Talk of our little town When he gets older they'll look back to today and point at the map to the high school where I'm sure he'll always play... Oh, nay! A girl would be splendid I'll spoil her till she's rotten but I'll teach her the polite things to say She'll be a scholar, a teacher, I'll mold her like clay She'll be a princess, a leader, and speech'll be her forte Or President, yes Ma'am Lead this country to new places, new heights thats right, My daughter'll be a born leader But first, I'll take care of my wife all day these nine months'll be long I hear I'll cook for an army, despite what she'll say because I know that as soon as she's done she'll say 'Dear...' And I'll get her second's, or third's and I'll rub her feet I'll wash my hands of course, and then I'll listen Place my ear on my child to hear a kick as it plays. Oh, I can't wait Today, today I got the news today A new father I'll be What a wonderful day!