Every day, I work so hard To save my money, for a future family The time has now come to collect my prize But it seems this month, fate forgot about me
A few years pass, and still no baby I'm a patient one, but this is scaring me To think that all these years, sweating and building Were for nothing
Babies and babies around me In parks, malls, and in the arms of my friends and family Now I panic - could this be happening to me?
Bitterness creeps up on me And hate for everyone who is happy I always knew life was unfair And my time has now come to pay the price
And all the indignation and despair Are powerless and poisonous... But to resign oneself is to give up! And I'd rather let venom flow through my veins And my screams of frustration burn everything with green fire Until a child's smile will heal me as new Or everything will turn to ashes