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Feb 2015
My heart
it beats at a steady pace,
but when I see you it leaps off the charts

That was then,
It’s a different and new feeling,
It keeps building up inside me.

When I see you,
I see secrets and mysteries as dark as the night,
I’ve never seen them before,
They’re hidden away like the depths of the ocean,
I’d like to find them.

I see the way you get angry,
I see how you bring yourself down when it's not your fault.
I don’t see the old you anymore,
I see someone new.

It’s not just you though.
I feel your pain.
I feel your guilt.
I feel the different person that I have now become,
I have been opened to a new light,
Seen a new life.

All that we have now is
It’s a frustrating silence,
That takes away a part of me
Every single day.
This silence,
Is deafening
Cheyanne Lynn
Written by
Cheyanne Lynn
   Hunter Banks, CapsLock and ---
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