(as though it had ever beentogether as though we were ever more than car crashes than house fires.
I held onto your address, you know when you held on to my hand; when you held up the traffic; when you left me and drank Copenhagen through a paper straw.
The whetted splendour of it all: I wonder if the drowned ever noticed how the sun kisses The Sea? down we sank.
Did your feet touch the bottom or did you swim to the sound of -
to the sound of br ea k ing vi oli n s ? I snapped each string like I was pulling teeth.
Your address folded into waves, your house burned to dust,
the kind god keepssafe - “one last keep sake” in his pockets.
If I tightened my hands, doyouthinkicouldchokeonthis cable? Wouldthatstop time or your voice or my voice; the voicemails; the answer machine that no one ever answered?
My blueeyed boy was born in goodbyes he sleeps in seas irrevocable: and The Tide washes him home to me every day.)
it sounded like fingers tangled in phone wire and br ok e nv io l in s.