it is undeniable realization that the majority, if not all but a small percent, of people are absolutely, totally, completely, terrifyingly, petrifyingly, murderously, suicidaly, alone
this is the sad fate of every human being ever to be born upon this earth
my father said it best, almost exactly as I said it above to be exact, but it took hours of talking, years of living, centuries of inherited wisdom to finally understand the oppressive truth of what he realized
there is no happiness in money, no satisfaction in power or position, *** lacks emotion and emotion lacks reason and reason lacks the passion that we need to get up in the morning
we are born we live and we die
never forgot this
never make the mistake of thinking that even one micro-ounce of genuine empathy is not worth more than a thousand golden kingdoms
the ability to truly connect with someone is the most valuable resource in the universe
we build societies on pillars of loneliness, and justify it with science and god
all we need to know is that we can achieve all we need in a single conversation
it is unknowably guilt-inducing to realize that most people can’t have conversation at one in the morning with their fathers
most don’t have fathers, others don’t know they do, and the rest lack the will to break down the barriers of age and pretentiousness
this undeniable aloneness is the shadow of my ethereal nightmares
not for its effects on me, but for its tyrannical grip on the every day people I cannot hope to help