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Feb 2015
Merry moments tend to leave my memories
Leaving me in the cruel company of miserable misery

I'm just a mere mortal- an organic portal who hosts a misguided spirit
And as I sip spirits I sink & search for spirit guides in the deadly distance

I am
Sipping, sinking
Smoking & sniffing

Continuing crazy- living life lively & lazy in this weird way
Will surely sow spoiled seeds in me ****** & destined to decay

I have seen so I've heard errors in my weird ways
Love's the Law and I want Love to live in me (read May)

It's simply a simple and sad thing
If I could sing then I would sing
But I will sing 'cause I do sing

"I am (May)
The last month of spring"
Biko Dylan
Written by
Biko Dylan  Gauteng
   Lior Gavra
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