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May 2011
I don't like your words spitting fire at my name
Pretending like I don't know the curses on your tongue
Every blood stained status' about being heartbroken
I'm not stupid, no, that's you

It's been three years and i've moved on
Past all the moonlight walks and candlelight dinners
To a better place in my life where you don't exist
Until recently you've started to persist

You didn't haunt my dreams anymore
I could look at a picture of us without crying
My parents trusted me to leave the house without
Threatening to run away to you

Seeing your name on the screen
Seems just a little bit surreal as I respond
"Hey!" to your excited hello
Not sure with you, quite where this is going to go

Because you like mind games and figuring people out
You went from Pre-Med to pyschology
I should've guessed you'd make that turn-about
Each word from you is carefully crafted, now that I can tell

I've gotten smarter since we've last talked
Been put through a little more by a few more people
Testing my limits and breaking my fears
I'm not the same little girl you knew my freshman year

Sure I still have the same blue eyes that shine when I cry
And the same broken heart that tore to pieces when you left
The same false confidence that takes people for a ride
Same snarky comments that tend to be so snide

But i've evolved and i've grown up
As obviously as you haven't
With your fifty-cent words and smart alek comments
Still the same as they were when you left

Now I can see through your facade
Predict every move you'll make because I've made them
I'm more expierencedΒ Β now then ever before
You weren't expecting a lot but you're going to get much more

Before you get stuck in this plot of revenge
I suggest you take the easy way out
Go to your friends list and click remove
Forget my name existed, like you seemed to before

Damaged people are the most dangerous
Because they know how to survive
Through the pain and the cold and the heartache
That others have never experienced

I'm dangerous to you, and the history you remind me of
I put it in my past, forgot and expected that to last
I am better off without you, that's obvious now
That my life doesn't revolve around you, as you made it to somehow

I'm never going back to that
The dark and lonely places
That you left me wondering what was happening
Now I know that I did nothing wrong

You were the one at fault, you were the one to blame
What is going to come may be childish, or even a bit insane
So here it is, your warning
Welcome to my game.
It alllll started November 25, 2007.
Ha. You're the most pathetic person I've ever met in my life.
A year and a half of memories poured down the drain and you want to turn around and chat message me like nothing ever happened. When sometimes it still feels like yesterday.
I'm over you but that doesn't make me want to talk to you. I don't hate you, but i'm apathetic. I don't want you in my life. So leave.
Or don't.
One thing I can promise you is this time I won't be the one getting hurt.
Stephanie Carlson
Written by
Stephanie Carlson
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