I can't help but be flustered. Reflections. Monsters. Mirrors; Captured souls. Release. Awakening. Repress. Make-up; Mask. Alternate reflections. Hate others;Hate self. Push. Face fear. Be fear. Perception;Reality. Responsibility. Remove mask. Breathe. Add Mask. Accepting time. Day and night/birth and death/alpha and omega. Create/Destroy. Destroy/Rebuild. Greetings. Farewell. Wounds and scars. Children. Adults/Scarred children. Children are people. People are children. Bad seeds or bad fruit? Bruised fruit. Too many bruises. Too many scars. Rotten fruit. No hope. Always hope. Humans. Nature. Human nature. Optimism. Search for hope. Search for light. Illuminated Searchlight. Conquest. Journey. Propel forward. Repel backward. Traveling nowhere. Fast. Duality Deceased. A Dice Roll of Disease.