I'm a student so I'm kinda sitting on the toilet looking out the window in the one of the "centers." There is this Anselly-Adams snow surrounded pond in the view but it is all hazed and glazed over from some fumes. The steamy, heating types. The fumes are making the view all convoluted. It is kind of cool but also grosses me out and makes me feel space-cadety. Anyway, I see one of my hot babe friends down below. He is the size of an ant--from my vantage point, at least. He's wearing a long grey-black pea coat and combat boots and he's walking with mad purpose. Like he's about to do something mad important. And he probably is. He might be picking up his amp, or going to buy a cup of coffee from the cafe, or going to play chess with another equally hot babe and talk about astro-physics. Whatever he does, I'm guessing there will be a mild to medium byproduct of disdain, you know, as a principle.
I felt rather disdainful, today, actually, if you want to know. It was because of individually wrapped honeys (I am NOT talking about small, packaged beautiful ladies). It is such a waste. Condense the honey into one container. Also, not everyone uses the same amount of honey. Don't lump us together like that, multi-million dollar food suppliers.