Emptiness consumes me as I search long and deep for my next inspiration. I search to feel something, anything. Overwhelming nothingness is building up inside of me, pumping through my veins, consuming me, deteriorating my insides. The lust for feeling turns into an ache similar to paralyzing hunger. Suddenly, it hits me. I light up like a switch was flicked inside of me and I am beaming with all of this glow. The excitement, the glory! But suddenly, I fall, and my bright, glorious light falls to pieces. It flickers one last time, and dims to nothing but smoke. So i unplug to avoid destruction of my surroundings. I am already destroyed. I am known to cause house fires, electric shock. I am better just being nothing. Feeling nothing.
I was feeling terrible and had no inspiration until my bedside lamp literally fell to the ground and shattered so that is what this was inspired by