For the lessons never learned The harvest of regrets
I embarked upon a life of crime From the snuggled warmth Of my misbegotten infancy Seeds and serpents deep within Waiting for the day when I took my first step Down a slick smooth road to delinquency A little further down to apostasy And the cries of the ******
Was I a fool to believe I could escape those tendencies? Could I turn them on myself? I fancied myself transcendent But I was only transparent
For the dreams worth sleeping The rooster won't stop crowing
It used to be fun to pretend I was a genius But the truth demands it's rightful place With age comes revelation Ah, but that's mine to covet You'll find out soon enough
For the passion smothered by defective genes For trying to say it all in one sentence
I don't even look for someone to blame It's in me, a part of me I have sinned against spirit No cry for help, I'd spurn it with ease It's cotton I'm stuffed with The ringing in my ears doesn't even bother me anymore Unless I think about it for awhile And ain't that the way it should be with life itself? Am I a barrel of transgressions filled almost full from the past? Heavy and difficult to haul around
For the best of intentions and good advice It doesn't get any better
Judgment weighs heavy above my head Suspended in disbelief for a brief reprise If hell is the cessation of existence, nothing more Is it blasphemous to pray for it? If only someone could convince me it's so I wouldn't want to put you out, Yahweh I don't deserve your mercy But nothing more, please, nothing more