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May 2011
Dawn coughs its way to noon,
the sun bears down
blistering my skin,
asking questions,
highlighting each flaw--
I take one last drag
from one last cigarette,
put out the flaming tip
on an ant hill--
Joshua J. Hutton, the Destroyer--
a sizzle,
a scramble,
where do we go from here?

I call my redheaded love,
ask her to spend the afternoon
listening to me read old books
full of filthy poetry,
and as she sighs,
I slit her throat to see what's inside--
a candy apple coated fever dream
of future her and me,
a hatred of my mane,
and a longing for the far corner of everything--
I stitch her milky neck,
kiss her ear,
rub her shoulders with my
rotting hands,
and tell her
purgatory just got easier,
knowing we piece
with blood
and beauty,
holy men rejoice,
****** get jubilant,
this smoldering mess
JJ Hutton
Written by
JJ Hutton  Colorado Springs, CO, USA
(Colorado Springs, CO, USA)   
   Hana Gabrielle
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